Session 4: Postmodern Epistemology

Session 4: Postmodern Epistemology

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength  ~Mark 12:30

Writing about Session: 4 Postmodern Epistemology, John Feldman shares his thoughts on one of the discussion questions.

Discussion question #8: In what ways would having a subjective or relative worldview cause you despair?

Simply stated, a relative worldview is one in which truth is defined by some group; in a subjective worldview, the individual defines his or her own truth.

My Christian worldview is that there is one God and Creator who is all-knowing, ever-present, all-powerful, holy, righteous, just, and unchanging. I am a child of the one God and my future is settled and secured by Jesus’ finished work on the cross. He loved me so much that He sent his only Son so that through believing in Him, I am saved. The result of my worldview is the opposite of despair – it gives me peace, joy, love, comfort, satisfaction, and confidence.

I have to admit, it is difficult to imagine living in a world (view) where truth is defined by some group of flawed humans. Groups of humans are usually pretty dysfunctional. United Nations, Congress, legislatures, city councils, church boards, committees, families, and groups of friends or neighbors all have one thing in common – they are made up of humans. These are flawed individuals with their own agendas, transient opinions, and less than perfect communications.

Trying to stay current with and adapt to the ever-changing truth defined by some group of flawed individuals would be a tiring and ultimately impossible challenge. Yesterday’s “truth” is now passé and might actually be offensive to the group today. But I should have known that, right? My group’s truth is different than your group’s truth. See any trouble there?

Maybe it would be easier living in a world (view) defined by my own version of truth. There may be a few problems to overcome. Sometimes, I have a hard time making decisions (defining truth). I am usually a fair person – except early mornings when I’m pretty self-centered. I am pretty wise; I have fewer lapses in judgment than I did 30 years ago. I’m fairly holy except in some areas I don’t often talk about.

Would I want to rely on the truth determined by me or by the Designer and Creator of the universe? I will stick with letting Him define truth – He will anyway, regardless of what I think.