When the Water Blushed

When the Water Blushed

Series: Good News in a Bad News World
Passage: John 2:1-12
Title: When the Water Blushed

GG Questions:

  • From your personal experience:
    1. Share a situation in your life where when it seemed all hope was gone and God stepped in and sent a miracle or solved the problem:
    2. Share a situation you are currently feeling desperate for God to step in and solve and you need patience and trust until God’s answer comes:
  • Let’s spend a bit of time on Jesus saying to His mother “Woman, what does that have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” (John 2:4)
    1. Look up each of the seven times Jesus refers to this “hour” in John’s Gospel (2:4; 7:30; 8:20; 12:23, 27; 16:32; 17:1)
    2. What hour is He referring to? What did God impress upon you after looking up these 7 references to His “hour”?
    3. Pastor emphasized how this first miracle played an important role in that “hour” that was ahead of Jesus. What role did this first miracle play? Please be as specific as possible:
    4. Why did Jesus refer to His mom as “woman”? Was it a derogatory term (helpful to look up the other time Jesus used this term in speaking to His mother – John 19:25-27)? Why not call her “mother”?
  • The bible uses three words to describe God’s special intervention into the affairs of mankind:
    • “miracle” – emphasizing the event;
    • “wonder” – emphasizing the effect;
    • “sign” – emphasizing the significance.
    • John chose 8 “signs” in His Gospel and each has the same ultimate purpose. What is the ultimate purpose according to John 20:30-31? Meditate upon what the significance of this first “sign” of Jesus turning water into wine is for you and why that matters today? Share your thoughts with your group: