The First Five Disciples

The First Five Disciples

Series: Good News in a Bad News World
Passage: John 1:35-51
Title: The First Five Disciples

GG Questions:

  • 1) Write out and describe how you came to know Christ as Lord and Savior, if indeed you have. Was it a person who shared with you? Was it a family member? Was it a Bible study? A sermon? Was it a circumstance? Was it a combination? Be prepared to share who and what God used in your life?
  • 2) What stuck out to you most (or which disciple) about the first five disciples of Jesus as found in John 1:35-51 and why?
  • 3) There are many names or titles that describe Jesus in John 1! List as many as you can find from John 1 and do a personal study on one of them and write down what you learn:
  • 4) Based first on John 1:35-51 and then adding other Scriptures, what are characteristics of an authentic disciple of Jesus Christ?