Sharing Jesus Christ

Sharing Jesus Christ

Series: Anchored in the Gospel
Passage: Colossians 4:2-6
Title: Sharing Jesus Christ

Gold Card:

  • Memorize: Romans 1:16
  • 1st Step: I commit to starting each day this week by praying that God would give me an opportunity to speak about my relationship with Christ with 2-3 friends, family or co-workers who are currently “outside” Christ.
  • 2nd Step: I commit to being an ambassador for Christ by taking advantage of opportunities to share my story of God’s mercy and grace as displayed on the cross.

GG Questions:

  1. In Romans 1:16 Paul states that he is not “ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes” and Jesus said in John 4 that believers should “lift up your eyes and look unto the fields, for they are already white to harvest” speaking of the fact that there are many who are ready to receive Christ and be saved. Statistically, 95% of all genuine followers of Christ have never personally won a soul to Christ. To the degree that that statistic is accurate why do you think that is so? What are the reasons for this from your own experience?
  2. Meditate on Colossians 4:2-6 and share any thoughts you gleaned about principles for sharing Christ. Also, share one thought you gleaned from Pastor’s message on Colossians 4:2-6 as it pertains to sharing Christ with someone who is currently on the “outside” of Christ:
  3. Make a list of 2-5 people (family, friends co-workers etc) who you will commit to pray for on a regular basis that God may open a door of opportunity for you to share Christ with them. Share 2 of those people with your GG and create a GG prayer list to pray for when you get together as a group: