Series: Moses
Passage: Exodus 2:23-3:10
Title: Moses Meets The One True God
Gold Card:
- Memorize: Exodus 3:5
- 1st Step: I will make myself available to God, to be used by God, doing His will, His way and in His timing through Lakeside Fellowship.
- 2nd Step: I will seek to be holy (separated to God and from sin) in a specific area of my life that I know is not pleasing to God.Other:
GG Questions:
- What counsel would you give to a person who said “I just want to know God more deeply”? Where should that person begin and what is most helpful to you?
- Pastor listed a few truths/principles about encountering God – list a couple of them and be ready to discuss:
- The first mention of the word “holy” as regards God is found in Exodus 3:5. Write down any thoughts from Pastor’s sermon on Sunday that are connected to the word holy. Also, look up the verses listed below and draw some personal conclusions about what being holy is,what being holy requires, and how that would practically look in your life and the lives of fellow believers:
- Exodus 3:5,6
- Exodus 15:11
- Leviticus 20:26
- I Peter 1:15,16
- I Peter 2:9
- Ephesians 1:3,4
- Psalm 29:2