God’s Sovereign Plan in Christmas

God’s Sovereign Plan in Christmas

Galatians 4:1-7

Diving Deeper

  1. Read the book of Ruth(as she is one of the women mentioned in the genealogy of Christ in Matthew 1) and write down any observations you have on how she had genuine belief in God that led her to trust Him and have Hope in Him.
  2. Pastor Joel spoke about the sureness of God and pointed out the phrase in Galatians 4:4, “when the fullness of time had come,” Looking back on your life, be prepared to share with your family and growth group, how have you seen God’s plan work in your life?
  3. The last verse of our text in Galatians 4 speaks about how those of us who have fully surrendered our lives to Christ, are no longer slaves, but sons and daughters and if we are sons and daughters, then we are heirs as well through God. Look up the following passages about being heirs in Christ and our inheritance in Christ and write down how this should give us hope.
    -Romans 8 the whole chapter, but pay close attention to verses 12-17
    -Titus 3:3-7
    -Ephesians 1:11-23
    -1 Peter 1:3-8