Believing is Seeing

Believing is Seeing

Series: Good News in a Bad News World
Passage: John 4:45-54
Title: Believing is Seeing

Growth Group Questions:

  1. Read the following verses on biblical faith and share your thoughts about what real biblical faith involves: Hebrews 11:1, 6, 13, 27; John 20:29; Romans 10:14,17
  2. Read John 4:45-54 for yourself and write down the process by which the official’s faith grew: (Pastor mentioned 4 steps. Are there any others you would add?)
  3. Read Daniel 3:1-30 and pay attention to the faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. What stands out to you? Especially look at verses 13-18 and record any thoughts about their answer to King Nebuchadnezzar:
  4. What is a current area/decision or a recent area/decision where God is asking you to take a step of faith, and what principles from our study apply to your decision?