Starting Point
New to Lakeside? Want to get plugged into a Growth Group? Then join us for our summer Starting Point Group! Starting Point is for anyone newer to Lakeside. We will be going through “Stranger on the Road to Emmaus.” This book covers the great themes of the Bible – God’s message to mankind. Starting Point is the entry point into Lakeside’s Growth Groups. Childcare is provided.
Fall Ditch Clean-Up
Join us as we clean up our adopted stretch of Hwy 415. We want to ensure that everyone who participates in the cleanup event is safe and able to handle the tasks involved. Given the potential hazards of the environment, we are asking that parents not bring children under the age of 10 to the ditch cleanup event. All children under the age of 15 must be accompanied by an adult. Please meet at the church by 7:45am.
Men’s Retreat
Join us at the Clear Lake church camp Friday evening through Saturday at 12:30. The retreat officially starts with dinner at 6:30 Friday night, and we’ll host an optional golf outing Friday afternoon. More details to come.
Ladies, join us on Saturday, November 8, for dinner and fellowship at our annual Grace event. Grace is an evening for women to spend time hearing about the grace that God lavishes on His women, praising God, visiting with other women, and enjoying a nice dinner. Come celebrate God’s grace with us. This is a great chance to invite other women. The cost is $10. Doors open at 5:00pm. The event begins at 5:30pm. Grace is for high school age and…
24 Hours of Prayer
Give prayerful thanks for God’s goodness as we reflect on the price He paid on the cross for us. Pray for the needs of our government, community and family. Join us for 24 hours of continual prayer.
Worship Service & Baptisms
Join us as individuals profess their salvation through believer’s baptism.
Thanks & Giving Dinner
Join us for a special Thanks & Giving Dinner! Sign up today for either Friday, November 21 at 6:30pm OR Saturday, November 22 at 6:30pm. Please register everyone who will be attending with you and let us know if you will be bringing a side or dessert. The church will be providing meat and potatoes.
Light Up Polk City
Join us at the town square for Light Up Polk City! This event, hosted by Go Polk City and Polk City Parks & Recreation, is sure to get you in the holiday spirit. Watch as town square is illuminated with “holiday cheer!” Enjoy horse drawn sleigh rides, holiday music, seasonal eats and drinks, and fire pits for keeping warm and s’mores!