Jr. High Camp
We are super excited for Jr. High Camp this summer (July 14-19) at IRBC in Clear Lake. This week is designed specifically for 7th-9th grade boys and girls and is full of fun activities and challenges from God’s Word. Click here for more information about IRBC.
Fellowship Meeting
Join us as we provide a quarterly update on financials, ministries, new members and more!
Men’s Steak & Corn Feed
The Men of Lakeside are hosting a Steak & Corn Feed on Thursday, July 24 at 6:30pm at the church building. High school age guys are also invited to attend. This is a great opportunity to invite friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family to hear the gospel.
Sr. High Camp
We are super excited for Sr. High Camp this summer (July 28-Aug. 2) at IRBC in Clear Lake. This week is designed specifically for 10th-2024 Grads and is full of fun activities and challenges from God’s Word. Click here for more information about IRBC.
Night at Iowa Cubs
We are planning a Lakeside evening with the Iowa Cubs at Principal Park on August 15th. Bring your family and invite some friends! Stay after the game for some great fireworks! Contact the church office for instructions on purchasing tickets.
Church on the Square
Bring a lawn chair and join us on August 17th & 24th for Church on the Polk City Square. We will have one service at 9:30am. August 24th will be a special service as we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Lakeside, witness believers take a step of obedience by being baptized, and enjoy a picnic after the service.
20th Anniversary Celebration
Join us at the church for a fun afternoon/evening of celebrating 20 years of Lakeside Fellowship. More details to come!
Explore Membership Class
Learn what we believe and what it means to be a member at Lakeside Fellowship. We want you to be a part of our official Lakeside family!
Kids 4 Truth New Family Orientation Lunch
Kids 4 Truth incorporates singing, Bible study, scripture memorization, games, and other fun activities while teaching kids about God, Jesus, and the Bible. We invite anyone kindergarten – 5th grade to register. If you are new to the K4T program, we encourage you to attend this orientation lunch to find out more details.
Women’s Fall Kick-Off
Ladies, join us for an evening of food, testimonies, and fun! We will gather together where we will enjoy snacks, worship and testimonies. Please bring a lawn chair. High school girls are also encouraged to attend.
Fellowship Meeting
Join us as we provide a quarterly update on financials, ministries, new members and more!
Growth Group
Smaller, more intimate groups allow us to fellowship with one another, keep each other accountable in our spiritual walk, and lift each other up by doing life together throughout the week.
Growth Group
Smaller, more intimate groups allow us to fellowship with one another, keep each other accountable in our spiritual walk, and lift each other up by doing life together throughout the week.
Youth Group
All 6th – 12th graders are welcome to join us on Wednesday evenings. New middle school students can register here. New high school students can register here.
Kids 4 Truth
This program incorporates singing, Bible study, scripture memorization, games, and other fun activities while teaching kids about God, Jesus, and the Bible. We invite anyone kindergarten – 5th grade to register.
Pizza with the Pastors
New to Lakeside? Come have lunch with the Pastors! We will also play games, give a brief overview of the history and values of Lakeside and answer any questions you may have. Let us know you are coming here.