Resources (Page 7)
Conversations With Carl: I JOHN Devotions Update
Lakeside Kids – check out this update from Pastor Tony and his new friend Carl about our devotions together in 1 John! Keep working on studying the Bible with your family!
Video #7 in our 15 day “What is a Christian?” series
Video #6 in our 15 day “What is a Christian?” series
Video #5 in our 15 day “What is a Christian?” series
Video #4 in our 15 day “What is a Christian?” series
Responding to Your Anxiety
Emotions like anxiety are a part of our lives. Our emotions are powerful, but we do not need to let them control and consume us. Learn to understand your anxiety and turn to God for help and hope. “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4 Anxiety begins with concern. Concern for others allows us to be sympathetic, compassionate, and aware of other people’s needs and how we might minister to them.…
Video #3 in our 15 day “What is a Christian?” series
Video #2 in our 15 day “What is a Christian?” series
March 25th | Update From the Pastor
Below are the links he references in the video
Lakeside Kids | Ministry Update
Check out this video from Tony and Joel about the exciting things coming your way. Lakeside is excited to use this season for growing closer to the Lord as a family, and equipping parents to lead their children.
Are You Hiding?
“And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.” Genesis 3:8 The serpent slithered near Eve and spoke the first lie – the same lie that still whispers to our hearts: “Did God really say?” It was just one seed of deceit, but one that was sown deep into…
Mexico Missions Trip Recap Video
What an amazing opportunity our team had to partner with Way of the Cross Ministries! They are based in southern Texas, and we spent a couple days down there with them. During the week we travelled daily down into Mexico and helped build a church building for a small congregation in a “Invasion Camp” in Matamoros, Mexico (which is an area setup by the city for those who traveled to the US border, but could not cross.)
“And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 “I am with you always.” Have you considered that statement that Jesus made? Have you truly thought about its implications? We just celebrated Christmas. Emmanuel, God with us. God, the Creator of heaven and earth. The Lord of all, the King of kings, came to earth and dwelt among us. Jesus Christ. Our Emmanuel. He lived a perfect life. Where I would have gotten angry…
New City Church Incorporation
You can find photos from this event right here!
Kid’s Christmas Program
You can see photos from this event here!