

“And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

“I am with you always.” Have you considered that statement that Jesus made?  Have you truly thought about its implications? 

We just celebrated Christmas.  Emmanuel, God with us.  God, the Creator of heaven and earth.  The Lord of all, the King of kings, came to earth and dwelt among us. Jesus Christ. Our Emmanuel.  He lived a perfect life.  Where I would have gotten angry and thrown a fit, He remained steadfast and flawless.  Where I would have grumbled and complained, He stayed joyful, patient, and forgiving. He lived the perfect life I couldn’t, with all my effort, live, and He died a sinner’s death.  MY death.  The one I deserve.  And He rose again to new life and offered new life to me.  Offering me HIS life in replacement for my broken one. 

That alone is good news.  It’s the gospel.  But God continued to lavish more blessing.  More undeserved kindness.  He gave us HIMSELF.  Not just as Jesus, but as the Spirit, who dwells in those who trust Him.

He is present!

In the heart of you, believer, He is present.  On your best days. On your worst days. He is present.  When we are celebrating and life is wonderful.  He is present.  When we are tripping over our own feet in sin and failure, He is present giving us His life as a substitution.  When life is hard and you feel so alone, HE IS PRESENT!

“I am with you always.”

That means we are never alone.  We are never abandoned.  We are never asked to live life on our own strength.  He is pouring out His Spirit to give us strength for the day, hope for tomorrow.  

So, as you make your commitments, goals, and resolutions for 2020, remember first that God is present.  He is with you through every decision. Every mistake.  Every success.  He is present!