Philippians | DAY 7

Philippians | DAY 7

Phil Vischer, Founder of Jellyfish Labs and co-creator of the acclaimed VeggieTales, dives into the book of Philippians to answer the question, “Where does joy come from?” With the help of some animated friends, Phil unpacks what it means to live with joy both in times of happiness and in times of sadness.

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Use these questions to talk to your child about the message of Philippians.
Then consider taking the so-what challenge to incorporate this session’s
message into your own life alongside your child.


Philippians 2:1–4

“When you do things, do not let selfishness or pride be your guide. Be humble and give more honor to others than to yourselves. Do not be interested only in your own life, but be interested in the lives of others.” (Philippians 2:3–4, ICB)

1. What gives Paul so much joy he says he’ll almost burst? (That Christians have the same thoughts, share the same love, and have one mind and purpose.)

2. What does it mean to have “the mind of Christ”? (We see things the way Jesus sees things, think the way Jesus thinks, and act the way Jesus acts.)

3. And how is that? How does Jesus see, think, and act? (With love.)

4. What kind of love? Hugs and kisses? (No. Love that puts other people first, instead of putting ourselves first.)

5. If everyone lived this way and put each other first, how would that change your school? Your neighborhood? The world?


For Toddlers

Tell your child that you need to dance or you’ll burst! Spend some time dancing together. Then talk about how loving Jesus gives us the same kind of feeling.

For Grade Schoolers

Talk to your child about the kind of love discussed in this session and give them an opportunity to put others first. Maybe he or she could wash the dishes for a parent, share a toy with a sibling, or encourage a friend who’s having a bad day.

For You

Who do you struggle to serve? What are the obstacles that keep you from doing so? Spend time reflecting on the way Christ has extended His love to you and ask Him to change your heart so that you can model His love for those who make it hard to love.