Philippians | DAY 4

Philippians | DAY 4

Phil Vischer, Founder of Jellyfish Labs and co-creator of the acclaimed VeggieTales, dives into the book of Philippians to answer the question, “Where does joy come from?” With the help of some animated friends, Phil unpacks what it means to live with joy both in times of happiness and in times of sadness.

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Use these questions to talk to your child about the message of Philippians.
Then consider taking the so-what challenge to incorporate this session’s
message into your own life alongside your child.


Philippians 1:12–18

“I am in prison because I am a believer in Christ. All the palace guards and everyone else knows this.” (Philippians 1:13, ICB)

1. Since Paul is in prison, does that mean he can’t tell people about God anymore? (No way! Paul is telling everyone in prison about God. Even the guards!)

2. Since Paul has been thrown in prison, are other Christians more scared, or more brave? (They’re becoming more brave.)

3. Why would Paul being in prison make other Christians more brave? (Because they see that God is with Paul, even in prison. Bad things aren’t as scary when we know God will be with us.)

4. What has Paul learned about God and bad things? (That God can take bad things and turn them into something good.)

5. Do you believe God is with you? Even when bad things happen?


For Toddlers

Stand in a room with your child while holding hands. Then turn off the light and say, “Can you still feel me with you?” After he or she responds, turn the light back on and talk about how God never leaves us. He is always with us.

For Grade Schoolers

Talk with your child about times when God has taken bad things in their life and turned them into something good. Encourage your child to tell that story to someone this week, like Paul did with prison guards.

For You

Reflect on the ways God has used bleak circumstances in your life for His good. Ask Him to renew your sense of confidence in His presence at all times.