growth groups
Believing that Christians are meant to live in community, we help everyone find their place in small groups that meet weekly in homes. We discuss the previous Sunday’s sermon or study a specific topic and spend focused time in prayer together. Our Growth Groups provide a “home base” in the church where everyone can be accountable in our spiritual walk and lift each other up by doing life together.
Interested in getting plugged in? Click the button below to use our contact form.

Starting point
Starting Point is an 8-10-week course that provides a key step in becoming part of the Lakeside family. We ask anyone interested in joining a Growth Group to be a part of Starting Point first. The class carries no obligation. Join us even if you’re just curious to find out what the message of Jesus is all about. Every question is welcome here!
Click below to let us know you’re interested, and we’ll get you signed up for the next class. With three sessions each year, you’re never more than a few weeks away from getting started.

The Bridge Classes
Ephesians 4:12-14 teaches that healthy churches equip every believer with a full knowledge of Jesus Christ so that they can live as mature disciples and resist the false doctrine that surrounds us. The Bridge program offers classes, seminars and conferences to help every Christian understand all of Scripture and apply it to daily living. Topics include how to study the Bible, habits of Christian living and theology. Throughout the year, we offer special sessions on parenting, conflict resolution, marriage and more.

Mens’ ministries
We want Lakeside men to be leaders in their homes, the church, the workplace and the community. We create opportunities and relationships that encourage us to come alongside one another in fellowship and invite friends and family to come see what Jesus is all about.
- Discipleship groups
- Prayer breakfasts
- Annual mens’ retreat
- Summer steak and corn feed

Womens’ ministries
We desire to evangelize, disciple and offer fellowship to the women of Lakeside and the surrounding community so that God might be praised and glorified through us as individuals, mothers, daughters and friends.
- Discipleship groups
- Grace women’s dinner
- Engage Women’s Retreat
- Summer hangouts
- Fall kickoff cookout
SEniors’ Ministry aka “JOY GROUP”

Our Seniors’ Growth Group seeks to exemplify and glorify Christ Jesus by providing people 60+ a community within Lakeside Fellowship focusing on spiritual growth, fellowship and service to the church and overall community. The group meets Wednesdays at 1:30pm during the school year for prayer, fellowship and discussion of the previous sermon. Plus, the JOY (Just Older Youth) Group gathers about once a month for activities including meals, concerts, scenic tours and more.