What is God’s plan for us? Phil Vischer, founder of Jellyfish Labs and co-creator of the acclaimed VeggieTales, answers the question by looking at the book of Ephesians. With the help of some animated friends, Phil unpacks what it means to live the way God intends—for us and for the whole world.

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Use these questions to talk to your child about the message of Ephesians.
Then consider taking the so-what challenge to incorporate this session’s
message into your own life alongside your child.


Ephesians 4:4–6
“There is one body and one Spirit. And God called you to have one hope.”
(Ephesians 4:4, ICB)

  1. What is unity? (Different things coming together as one thing.)
  2. What is the “one body” Paul mentions? (The body of Christ—the Church!)
  3. What do we get to do as the Body of Christ? (Show God’s love to the whole world. We’re Jesus’ hands and feet!)
  4. Why does Paul talk so much about unity—about being “one?” (People usually just look out for themselves. Our mission in Jesus is better than any of us! We come together to show God’s love!)
  5. What do you think of the idea of being part of a “Giant Robot” on a mission from God? Does that sound exciting? Scary?


For toddlers: Practice helping around the house using the phrase “helping hands!” as you work together with your hands.

For grade schoolers: Together, brainstorm ways your child can be the “hands and feet” of Christ at school this week.

For you: Look for ways to encourage unity in your family this week. Lead the way by working together on a project or initiate a family effort to rally behind one of the children who have a school report or a big game this week.