Writing about Session 2: Unconditional Election, Brady Warrick shares his thoughts on one of the discussion questions.
Discussion question #2: Further discuss how the doctrine of unconditional election causes distress to a person who has a family member or loved one who has not trusted in Christ.
What is unconditional election? I started asking myself that after the topic was assigned to me for a blog post. According to our theology coursework, unconditional election is the belief that God predestined people for salvation before the beginning of time. God’s election is not conditioned by anything in man, good or evil, foreseen or present, but upon God’s sovereign choice.
In other words, God is solely responsible for our salvation, it has nothing to do with us. We are not capable of choosing God unless he first chooses us. Romans 3:10 says “There is no one righteous, not even one, there is no one who understands, there is no one who seeks God. All have turned away…” John 6:44 states “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I will raise him up on the last day.” The Bible openly states that election is not a condition of man.
What does this mean for those of us with “unsaved” family members? I have several family members who I am not sure if they are saved; however, God only knows if they are actually saved or will become saved. One of my close family members and I have had several discussions regarding salvation. I am almost sure that they are not saved. They have heard the Gospel, learned about Jesus, and still they reject Jesus as Savior. Does that mean I should stop bringing the Gospel to them?
According to the definition of unconditional election, only God chooses those who are saved, is there anything I can do? While it is true that only God chooses us for salvation and we are not capable of choosing him first, that doesn’t mean that we should stop sharing the Gospel with the unsaved. God uses us as a conduit to communicate his good news with those who are not saved.
It brings me comfort to know about the doctrine of unconditional election. My job is to spread the good news with others and work to create a platform for the good news to be shared, but my efforts will be limited by the power of God. I am thankful for that.
God is sovereign, he is in control of everything, including who is saved or unsaved. I am thankful that the Lord is in control of all things, we must first look to him for wisdom and guidance.
Only God saves!