Sermons by Dave Heisterkamp (Page 22)
Radical Relationship
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us that God wants us to be authentic in our prayers.
Radical Authenticity
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us how we should be the same person inside as we are outside.
Radical Truthfulness
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us what radical truthfulness should look like in our lives.
God’s Word on Divorce and Remarriage
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us God’s thoughts on divorce and remarriage.
Radical Reconciliation
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us how we need to be both reconciled to Jesus Christ and with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Radical Obedience
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us that we can’t be righteous on our own – we need Jesus’ righteousness to cover us.
Radical Impact
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us how we as believers should be salt and light to the world around us.
The Sermon on the Mount
This Sunday Pastor Dave gave us an overview of the Sermon on the Mount.
A Father and His Two Sons
This Sunday Pastor Dave and his son Jon took us through the parable of the prodigal son.
Thinking Biblically About Homosexuality
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us how to think Biblically about homosexuality.
The Role of Elders
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us the God ordained role the elders of the church have as shepherds.
Purifying and Proving Work of God
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that as believers in Christ, we need to be prepared for the trials we will ultimately face.
Time is of the Essence
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us how we should be living in light of Christ’s impending return.
Victory in Jesus
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us how believers have victory in Jesus!
Transcendence and Immanence
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us the truth of God’s transcendence and His immanence.
Suffering for Doing Good part 2
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us that we as believers are called to bless others.