Sermons by Dave Heisterkamp (Page 14)
Why Heaven Came Down
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us that Jesus was sent to save!
The Patience of God Exhausted
This Sunday Pastor Dave challenged us to marvel at God’s great love for us.
What a Fool!
This Sunday Pastor Dave challenged us to be rich towards God – to remember that all we have is His and we are merely stewards.
It’s Go Time
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that some in the church have made professions but not everyone has made preparations.
Faithfulness Over Giftedness
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that our life is God’s gift to us – what we do with it is our gift to God.
Wedding Banquet Fit for a King
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that only those covered by the blood of Christ are welcome to the wedding banquet.
That’s Not Fair
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that salvation is not about God’s fairness but His graciousness.
Leaving Church Unchanged
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that when you trust in yourself you’ll always be looking down on others.
Time to do a Soil Sample
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that everyone is represented by one of the four soils.
Getting to the Heart of the Matter
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that covetousness is truly a heart issue.
Nothing But the Truth
This Sunday Pastor Dave challenged us to be a faithful witness of God.
What’s Mine is God’s
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that God is the Creator and Owner of everything – we are merely stewards of His creation.
The Pathology of Sexual Sin
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that sexual sin travels along a well worn path.
What is Murder?
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that Jesus died in the place of a murderer and for murderers.
Honor to Whom Honor is Due
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us that we never out grow God’s command to honor our parents.
The “Rest” of the Story
This Sunday Pastor Dave challenged us to remember to rest and to rest to remember.