This Sunday Nathan Nemmers expounds on the deep truth of the big word propitiation.
What’s In A Name
This Sunday Chris Silver takes a look at a man named Joseph whose nickname is Barnabas.
A Debt Of Grace
This Sunday David Kyle explains why Paul was so eager to visit the Roman Christians.
You Must Be Born Again
This Sunday Pat Nemmers explains what Jesus meant when He said “you must be Born Again.”
Why Did Jesus Get Baptized?
This Sunday Pastor Dave speaks about why Jesus was baptized and the importance it has for believers.
Rahab: The Prostitute Who Believed
This Sunday Pastor Dave speaks about the prostitute Rahab as an example of living faith.
Does God Consider You His Friend?
This Sunday Pastor Dave speaks about God’s friend Abraham living out his faith in God’s promises.
Unsaved Believers
This Sunday Pastor Dave speaks about the tragedy of those who profess Christ, but don’t know Him.
The Sin of Playing Favorites
This Sunday Pastor Dave speaks about favoritism and the sin that it is.
Twin Towers: Grace and Mercy
This Sunday Pastor Dave speaks about two words big in meaning but few in letters.
Smoke And Mirrors
This Sunday Pastor Dave speaks about James main point for this letter.
The Powers That Be
This Sunday Nathan Nemmers speaks about the war waging around us.
Open Ears
This Sunday Pastor Dave speaks about what it means to hear the Word of God and do it.
The Easter Tomb
This Sunday Pastor Dave speaks about what the empty tomb means.
God’s Goodness
This Sunday Pastor Dave speaks about God’s extraordinary goodness.
The Devil Made Me Do It
This Sunday Pastor Dave speaks about the oldest game in history: “The Blame Game”.