Jesus: Our Suffering Servant
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared from the book of Isaiah and how Jesus is our suffering servant.
Jesus: The Great High Priest
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared from the book of Hebrews how Jesus is a superior High Priest.
Name Above All Names
This Sunday Pastor Dave explains Who has the Name above all names and what that Name is.
Am I A Restorer?
Lucas Bair speaks to us about the deceitfulness of the human heart and how sick it really is.
Regeneration: God’s Work In You
This Sunday Pastor Dave expounds on the deep truth of the big word regeneration.
Patience Under Pressure
This Sunday Pastor Dave talks about how James teaches that Christians are to be patient and remain steadfast during difficult times.
Like There Is No Tomorrow
This Sunday Pastor Dave explains the necessity of making God-pleasing decisions that are according to His will.
Defamation of Character
This Sunday Pastor Dave explains the sin of slander and how easy it us for us to fall into.
The Ultimate Sacrifice
This Sunday Pastor Dave explains the great love of God for unlovable and undeserving sinners.
Fight Sin!
This Sunday David Kyle shares from Romans 8:13 what it means to fight sin.
God’s Ten Step Program
This Sunday Pastor Dave shares the “Repentance Test” from the book of James.
The Test of All Tests
This Sunday Pastor Dave exposes the root of our problems from the book of James.
The Wisdom Test
This Sunday Pastor Dave points out what biblical wisdom is from the book of James.
This Sunday Pastor Dave expounds on the deep truth of the big word redemption.
Bite Your Tongue
This Sunday Pastor Dave explains from Scripture how untame-able our tongues are.
Things I Learned
This Sunday Pastor Dave is back from his sabbatical and expounds on what he learned during that time.