Sermons (Page 36)

Sermons (Page 36)

The Cross of Christ

This Sunday Pastor Dave, reminded us of keeping the Cross central in our worship and the spiritual blessings we have in Jesus Christ.

American Idols

This Sunday Pastor Dave, using the Word of God, exposed the kinds of idols that reside in all of our hearts.

Authentic Worship

This Sunday Pastor Dave shared from the story of Jesus meeting the Samaritan Woman at the well and teaching her worship is centered in a specific person not a specific place.

Wired For Worship

This Sunday was the beginning of a new series about worship and Pastor Dave began in Genesis at the first mention of the word “Worship” and how Abraham offered his availability, obedience, and first to God.

Another Degree of Glory

This Sunday David Kyle explained how Paul pointed out how as God removes the veil of unbelief from our hearts we are enabled to “see” His glory and are transformed by it.

O Happy Day

This Sunday Pastor Dave talked about how the Jewish people dedicated the wall around Jersualem to the Lord and His glory after they completed the work.