Sermons (Page 32)

Sermons (Page 32)

Step of Faith

This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us how we are to obey in faith just like those who have gone before us.

Jesus Knows

This Sunday Pete McCloud shared with us that Jesus wants us to run to Him, because He knows!

Radical Authority

This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us that the impact of the Sermon on the Mount’s teaching is as relevant today as it was when Jesus originally gave it.

Radical Consequences

This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us that if we have the Son of God we have life, and if we do not have the Son of God, we do not have life.

Radical Choice

This Sunday David Kyle shared with us the difference between the wide and narrow gates.

Speck and Log

This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us that we need to stop judging for condemnation because we will be judged by the same standard we use to judge.