The Blood of Christ
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared three important things to remember about Christ’s shed blood.
Prayer Service Turned Into Praise Service
This Sunday Pastor Dave challenged us to be a praying church!
Becoming a Christian
This Sunday Adam Beecher asked the question – what is a true Christian?
And The Walls Came Tumbling Down
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us what makes the “Good News” the good news!
Why Communion?
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us three reasons why we take part in communion.
Prejudice Be Gone
This Sunday Pastor Dave challenged us as believers to look at people as God looks at them.
Great, Greater, Greatest
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us three great miracles – restoration, resurrection, and the greatest – salvation!
Another Basket Case
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us seven questions we should ask ourselves regarding our personal testimony of salvation.
The Roadside Conversion of an Angry Man
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us five things we should never underestimate when it comes to Jesus Christ.
What I Learned from the Ethiopian Eunuch
This Sunday David Kyle shared with us three things we can learn from Phillip’s encounter with the Ethiopian Eunuch
Curious Case of Simon the Magician
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us the difference between believing and believing unto salvation.
I’m Off to See the Wizard
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us the joys of salvation and baptism.
Dying as Christ Would Die
This week David Kyle asked us the questions – do you know Jesus? Do you see Him the way Stephen saw Him?
Speaking as Christ Would Speak
This Sunday Adam Beecher shared about Stephen, and how what we say and do should always be grounded in Christ.
Living as Christ Would Live
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared about Stephen who was an example of living like Jesus Christ.
The First Church Business Meeting
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us that we should be using our God-given gifts to serve the body and build up one another.