Harvest Time is Now
This Sunday Adam Beecher shared that the fields of North Polk are white for harvest. We need to sow the seed of the Gospel so that it can be harvested!
Count It All Joy Part 2
This Sunday David Kyle shared with us that we as believers need to find our satisfaction in Christ!
Count it All Joy
This Sunday David Kyle shared with us how we can truly count it all joy when we encounter trials in this life.
Praying Like Paul
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us some of Paul’s prayers and encouraged us to use them as a pattern for our own prayers.
Into the Casket
This Sunday Ryan Helmkamp shared with us that we need to die to self and live for Christ!
Life Is In Him
This Sunday Adam Beecher shared with us that our life in is Christ and not in our circumstances.
For the Sake of the Gospel
This Sunday Chris Silver asked us are we doing what we do for the sake of the Gospel?
When Jesus is Preached
This Sunday David Kyle shared with us that we mus know Jesus, preach Jesus, and magnify Jesus.
An Incomplete Gospel
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that if we don’t have a full Gospel then we have a false Gospel.
When Life Beats You Up and Breaks You Down
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that we, like Paul, can be encouraged by God’s people, presence, and promises and the Gospel’s power.
Planned Parenthood
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that every birth is planned by God!
The Unknown God
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that we need to be looking at the world through spiritual eyes.
Turning the World Upside Down
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that turning the world upside down with the Gospel requires seven things.
Authentic Ambassadors
This Sunday Jon Heisterkamp shared four ways that we can be authentic ambassadors for Christ.
Christmas According to Jesus
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us the connection between the cradle and the cross.
Christmas is All About the Child(ren)
This Sunday Pastor Dave asked us what our response is to Christ – have we rejected Him, refused Him, or have we received Him?