Sermons (Page 26)

Sermons (Page 26)

Sola Scriptura

This Sunday David Kyle shared with us how God’s Word should hold the highest place of authority in our lives.

John Knox

This Sunday Pastor Dave challenged us to be passionate about Christ and to be bold for the Gospel.

John Calvin

This Sunday Adam Beecher asked us how well do we know the God that we are pursuing?

Felix Manz

This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us that we need to hear the Gospel, believe in Christ as Lord and Savior, and be baptized as believers!

Ulrich Zwingli

This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us how God’s Word is the highest authority in all matters pertaining to faith and practice.

Martin Luther

This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, and in Christ alone.

An Open Door

This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that our lives and lips should be seasoned with Christ so as to create a thirst for God.