Who is on First?
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us that God tolerates no rivals.
Moses the Lawgiver
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us how Moses chose to be obedient to God.
Law & Grace
This Sunday Adam Beecher shared with us that God’s law shows us our sin and our need for a savior.
Becoming the Image of Christ
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us of how God is working in believers to make us more and more like Jesus.
Living a Life that Pleases God
This Sunday Pastor Dave challenged us to practice the presence of God in all we do.
Family Rules for the Local Church
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us how the church body is a family.
The Rapture II
This Sunday Pastor Dave asked “Are you rapture ready?”
The Rapture
This Sunday Pastor Dave asked “Are you prepared to meet Christ?”
A Life that Excels
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that as believers how we live our lives matters to God and to the world.
Sexual Purity Pleases God
This Sunday David Kyle shared with us that as believers we are responsible to live in a way that pleases God.
Making Sense of the Trials of Life
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that even in the midst of trials our hope is in our Savior!
Come and See, Go and Tell
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared with us that Christ is risen – He is risen indeed!
Good Friday 2018
David Kyle shared three things for us to ponder on Good Friday.
Following Jesus For the Right Reason
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared how Jesus came to be savior of our sins so He could be Lord of our lives.
The Only Thing You Can Take to Heaven
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that some things in life are too important not to share.
The Gospel Changes Everything
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that our faith is truly shown in how we handle adversity.