Biblical Church Growth
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared how our church should grow Biblically.
The Resurrection
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that in Mary Magdalene we can see what Jesus can do for a person’s physical and spiritual needs.
In the Shadow of the Cross
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that worship that costs us nothing is worth nothing.
The Spirit Produces Christ-likeness
This Sunday Chuck DeCleene shared with us that the Holy Spirit changes people.
A Secret No More
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that if we are in Christ we are born rich!
Then and Now
This Sunday Pastor Dave challenged us to remember our past without Christ and relish in our present with Christ!
Total Makeover
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that we are save for good works not save by good works.
Twice Created
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that if you know Christ you are twice created.
Experiencing God
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared Paul’s pattern of prayer as an example for us to follow.
The Sure Thing
This Sunday Adam Beecher shared that believer’s are assured fo their salvation by the Holy Spirit.
A Great Example of the Engage Network
This Sunday Chuck DeCleene shared that God was a church to be stretchable.
Falling Out of Love With Jesus
This Sunday Pastor Dave asked us if we have lost our first love.
The Purchase by the Son
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that salvation is free to us but it cost Jesus everything.
Identifying With Jesus Christ
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared that believer’s baptism is one of identification with salvation.
The Purpose of the Father
This Sunday Pastor Dave shared many of the blessing believers have in Christ.
Letting Christ Define You
This Sunday Pastor Dave asked us what we have our identity in.