Resources (Page 9)
Theology 1 Session 5: Categories of Theology
Writing about Session: 5 Christian Epistemology, Adam McClain shares his thoughts on one of the discussion questions. Discussion question #2: Reread the postmodernist objections to Christianity. Which objections have you heard the most? Which objections do you find the most difficult? Why? I like this question because it makes me think about the tools I need to develop and keep in order to be a good ambassador for Christ. These questions are not comfortable to think about, but they are…
Theology 1 Session 4: Categories of Theology
Writing about Session: 4 Postmodern Epistemology, Dan Jones shares his thoughts on one of the discussion questions. Discussion question #9: Explain how was your thinking most challenged by the lesson. I will focus this blog on postmodernism as it pertains to the United States. I believe this will provide a current example of the degradation of the Church, as postmodern thinking has had a very visible effect on Christianity in the West. The best and most relevant definition of postmodern…
Theology 1 Session 3: Categories of Theology
Writing about Session: 3 Categories of Theology, Justin Sands shares his thoughts on one of the discussion questions. Discussion question #7: It was said during the lesson that when reading the Bible “it does not matter what it means to you. It matters what it meant.” How is this true? Discuss. I chose to discuss this question because it applied directly to our family’s search for a church home and a daycare. During our search we heard everything from “it…
Theology 1 Session 2: Defining Theology
Writing about Session: 2 Defining Theology, Amanda Sparks shares her thoughts on one of the discussion questions. Discussion question #7: How are the issues like getting sick, choosing schooling for our children, voting, or getting married influenced by our theology? In our notes, there are examples of areas of our lives that are affected by our theology. These areas can include times when we are sick, voting, getting married, schooling for our children, sharing the gospel, or how we interpret…
Session 6b: Calling & Regeneration
Writing about Session 6a: Calling & Regeneration, Gina Beecher shares her thoughts on one of the discussion questions. Discussion question #1: Read Ps. 19:1-6 and Rom 1:18-20. Give examples of how creation is the “voice of God” that goes out to all people. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. This is the first sentence in the Bible, God’s revelation to mankind. In the Bible, God reveals his plan for salvation through his Son who is the…
Session 6a: Calling & Regeneration
Writing about Session 6a: Calling & Regeneration, Gina Beecher shares her thoughts on one of the discussion questions. Discussion question #1: Read Ps. 19:1-6 and Rom 1:18-20. Give examples of how creation is the “voice of God” that goes out to all people. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. This is the first sentence in the Bible, God’s revelation to mankind. In the Bible, God reveals his plan for salvation through his Son who is the…
Session 5: Atonement – Substitutionary Theory
Writing about Session 5: Atonement – Substitutionary Theory, Bob Sweeny shares his thoughts on one of the discussion questions. Discussion question #5: One objection to the Substitution Theory of the Atonement is that if Christ took our exact penalty, why isn’t He in Hell for all eternity? One objection to the Substitution Theory of the Atonement is that if Christ took our exact penalty, why isn’t He in Hell for all eternity? I have had this question cross my mind…
Session 4b: Atonement – Historical Survey
Writing about Session 4: Atonement – Historical Survey, Beth Warrick shares her thoughts on one of the discussion questions. Discussion question #3: “Martin Luther once said that ‘Satan is God’s Satan’. How do we often live our lives as Dualists, acting as if Satan has more power than he actually does? This theology course on the subject of Soteriology (Salvation) has brought to my attention many things in my belief of Salvation and other spiritual subjects that are either incorrect…