I have learned that the most painful times of this life are actually God’s gracious, relentless pursuit of my heart
I was born & raised in northeast Iowa; I grew up & graduated from high school in Dike, a small rural town near Cedar Falls. As a pastor’s kid, I’ve been in & around church my entire life; thankfully that also means I was continually exposed to the truth of the gospel. I still remember at 4 years old, telling my dad one night before bed that I didn’t want to be the only one in our family that didn’t get to go with Jesus if He came back. I remember my dad clearly explaining the gospel to me that night – that I am a sinner in need of a Savior, and I can’t do anything on my own to earn salvation (Rom. 3:23, Eph. 2:8-9). That God showed His love for me by sending His only Son Jesus to die in my place, to take the punishment that I deserved for my sin (Rom. 5:8, John 3:16). That by believing in my heart & confessing with my mouth that I trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of my sin, that I will be saved & have eternal life (Rom. 10:9-10). I’m forever grateful for the home that God placed me in, and how He called me to salvation through a childlike faith in the finished work of Jesus at a very young age. But, as Scripture teaches, I have learned through the years that our salvation in Christ does not guarantee an easy, pain-free, comfortable life. My adult years have been marked & shaped by some very difficult & painful experiences. Some of those valleys I found myself in without any warning, while other valleys have been a direct consequence of my own spiritual wandering. Regardless of the specific circumstances, I have learned that the most painful times of this life are actually God’s gracious, relentless pursuit of my heart & His desire to teach me that our greatest joy is found through an unrivaled devotion to Him; a lesson that I will never be done learning!
God used that long, winding road to graciously lead me to where I am today. I started attending Lakeside Fellowship in 2017, and in 2021 I was blessed with the opportunity to oversee the music ministry as the Worship Director. God planted a desire within me to serve Him through music many years ago, and He has been growing & affirming that desire through the years with each opportunity He’s sent my way. I am joyfully dedicated to leading our church each week to worship our Creator through singing that is rooted in the Scriptural truth of who God is & what He has done. I would truly tell you that although I am undeserving, I am doing my “dream job” – and I am beyond grateful for the grace that God has extended to me by allowing me to serve in this role at Lakeside.