Our new discipleship wing provides space to expand Biblical training for both kids and adults in the North Polk Community. Here’s a closer look at our vision and how you can be a part of it.
Construction Updates
Ground Breaking Ceremony
Ground Breaking Committee
Dirt Work
Concrete Footings Being Poured
Sanitary Utilities Being Added
Precast Concrete Exterior Walls
Precast Concrete Exterior Walls
Precast Concrete Exterior Walls
Steel Framing
Concrete Flooring
Drywall and Paint
Drywall and Paint
Drywall and Paint
Drywall and Paint
Project Overview
Cost: Approximately $3.4 million Groundbreaking: June 2024 Completion: Spring 2025
The building addition provides dedicated spaces for Biblical training, childcare, and fellowship, enabling us to host a wide range of activities and programs. The new spaces represent an important investment in discipling the Lakeside family and reaching our community.
Two classrooms for 40+ adults each and one large classroom for up to 100 adults.
New Nursery
A safe and nurturing environment for our youngest attenders.
New entry atrium
A spacious foyer to facilitate fellowship and child check-in.
flex room
Multi-purpose space built to store stacking chairs for worship services and provide additional classroom space.
Ministry Impact
Our new discipleship wing will allow Lakeside to:
Hold multiple adult classes simultaneously with other ministries.
Eliminate the need for meeting in rental spaces around Polk City.
Hold Junior and Senior High youth groups on the same night.
Provide a larger atrium for easier child check-in and increased fellowship opportunities.
Continue using our property for community soccer fields.
Get Involved
We invite you to be a part of this transformative project. Because Lakeside has always been committed to building without borrowing, 100% of the funding for this project comes from our church family. We still need to raise approximately $340,000 in order to fully complete this project. Please prayerfully consider what part YOU can play in building a strong, discipling culture for the future.