Blog (Page 11)

Blog (Page 11)

Session 10: Historical-Grammatical Interpretation

Writing about Session: 10 Historical-Grammatical Interpretation, Andrew Lee shares his thoughts on the historical-grammatical method of biblical interpretation. Understanding the true meaning that the authors of the Bible intended doesn’t seem too hard, right? I always thought that you just take your time and be intentional about comprehending it and keeping it in context. Well, after the most recent session of the theology program, I learned that it takes much more care to keeping context than I ever imagined. The…

Session 9: History of Interpretation

Writing about Session: 9 History of Interpretation, Evan O’Leary shares his thoughts on the history of biblical interpretation. Session number nine in our theological study has brought us to history of interpretation, hermeneutics through the centuries. We first looked at four different questions regarding interpretation. The first question was, how did the first century Jews interpret the scriptures? Second was how did the Christ and the Apostles interpret the scriptures? Third was how did the early church interpret the scriptures?…

Session 8: The Inerrancy of Scripture Part 2

Writing about Session: 8 The Inerrancy of Scripture, Nathan Smock shares his thoughts about how the Bible is true. It’s a little ironic how the post modern mindset of unknowable truth is at such odds with the assertion of the inerrancy of scripture. One would think the pessimism and despair, so equated with the post modern, would rather drive them to a desire to embrace the truth of inerrancy with a fervency that would cause envy in the hearts of…

Session 8: The Inerrancy of Scripture

Writing about Session: 8 The Inerrancy of Scripture, Beth Warrick shares her thoughts about how the Bible is true. Is the Bible perfect? Are there errors in the Bible? Believing that the Bible is “inerrant” is to believe that the original manuscripts of the Bible (autographa) were, in fact, without error. The Bible that we have today does contain errors (variants) due to errors in copying and translating the manuscripts over time. However, none of these errors affect any major…

Session 7: Proving Inspiration

Writing about Session: 7 Proving Inspiration, Candice Smock shares her thoughts on proving inspiration of Scripture. So the Bible was written by God 100% and by man 100%? All of the books of the Bible were inspired by God? A complete and perfect message from God in the exact way He wants us to know it? Prove it! The Bible has had to jump through many hoops of criticism over the years to get where it is today- bound together…

Session 6: Inspiration Part 2

Writing about Session: 6 Inspiration, Larry Meiners shares his thoughts on the inspiration of Scripture. What does it mean that the Bible is inspired? How did inspiration occur? How does one’s view of inspiration affect their interpretation? These are all good questions about how scripture was written. That is one of many reasons why I decided to take the Theology class. To answer questions like these about the Bible and the information it contains. What is inspiration? The best biblical…

Session 6: Inspiration Part 1

Writing about Session: 6 Inspiration, Gary Presnall shares his thoughts on the inspiration of Scripture. The lesson for session 6 of my theology class I am taking was Inspiration of scripture. The key points that had an impact on me in the lesson were that there is only one interpretation of scripture, but many applications. I was always under the impression there were many interpretations and many applications. I appreciated how God reveals Himself to us in different ways, and…

Session: 5 Canonization of Scripture (NT)

Writing about Session: 5 Canonization of Scripture (NT), Bryan Carlton shares his thoughts on the canonization of the New Testament. Growing up, I didn’t put a lot of thought into where the Bible came from. I sure didn’t think that people might disagree on some of the writings or how much went into deciding what should be included. The Old Testament was easy for the early church to agree on – it was the collected Jewish Holy works that had…

Session: 4 Canonization of Scripture (OT)

Writing about Session: 4 Canonization of Scripture (OT), Andy Johnson shares his thoughts on the canonization of the Old Testament. Have you ever wondered: how exactly did the Bible come to be? Was it put together by committee? Did one man write the entire thing? How do we know we have everything that is supposed to be in there? Are we missing anything? “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for…