Following Jesus’ Great Commission to spread the Good News locally and to all nations, Lakeside strives for a well-rounded missions program that lets our church members actively partner with missions work at home and abroad.
The Lord has opened doors for us in North America, South America, Europe and Africa, and we constantly seek to increase our impact by partnering with additional missionaries around the world.

Mission Trips
We offer trips for adults and teens, with a focus on projects guided by local ministry partners who ensure that we are enhancing their ministry in a meaningful way.
Our high school students regularly help put on a summer camp for kids from Montana’s Blackfeet Nation.
We regularly send teams to do construction/remodeling work at ministries such as Camp Joy, a Christian camp in Guthrie, Oklahoma, primarily serving at-risk kids.

We also seek to serve our local community through community improvement projects, repairs in the homes of single parents and leading Vacation Bible School for churches serving first-generation immigrants in the metro area.
Global Missions
In addition to supporting missionaries sent from America, we partner with local pastors serving in their home nations through direct funding and by supporting training programs such as the African Pastors Conference.
Our supported missionaries are:
Louis and Amber O’Tool – South Africa
Frans & Putseletso Matowane- South Africa
Lucas and Teresa Bair – Brazil
Tyler and Katherine Betz – France
Cole and Debbie Albright – ABWE North America
Bryan & Amy Lenartz – Japan
“N&A” – Restricted-access Asian nation
The Refuge – Addiction Recovery Ministry – Iowa
Agape– Pregnancy and Family Ministry – Iowa