In 2005, Saylorville Church felt God leading them to spread the gospel by planting churches. Lakeside Fellowship was the first church plant in what came to be known as the Engage Network of churches. Since then, the fellowship of two churches has flourished into a movement of gospel-centered churches planting gospel-centered churches. In the fall of 2023, the network consists of:
- Saylorville Church, Des Moines
- Lakeside Fellowship, Polk City
- Living Waters Fellowship, Des Moines
- Redeemer Church, Winterset
- High Pointe Church, Altoona
- New City Church, Ankeny
- Ballard Creek Church, Huxley
- Eden Church, Des Moines
We believe God has given the churches in the Engage Network a biblical mandate to identify, train, and equip men and women to reach the world with the gospel, build up the Body of Christ, and do the work of the ministry. Scripture makes it clear that it is the Church’s privilege and responsibility to take a proactive approach to producing laborers for the world-wide harvest (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Ephesians 4:11-16 and 2 Timothy 2:2).
The Engage Network Leadership Development Program is an all-church strategy of identifying, equipping, and sending disciples into vocational ministry, especially the area of church planting. We want to move people from our ministries to the ministry.
Contact the Engage Network Director of Development to find out more about the leadership pipeline, to apply for a local church internship, or to request information about a church planting residency.