Paradise, Purgatory and Personal Rewards

Paradise, Purgatory and Personal Rewards

I challenge you to use these lists as a way to examine your life and see if your life is being lived in a way that is pleasing to God. I intend to personally print out this list and use it as a guide for daily decision making. Here are the two lists and I encourage you to look up the verses that are attached (also surrounding paragraph) and ask the Spirit of God to make these activities a part of your daily walk:

Activities God rewards:

•       Secret acts of prayer and fasting – Matt 6:1,5,6
•       Faithfulness in trials of life – I Peter 1:6,7
•       Quiet life and hard work – I Thess 4:11,12
•       Helping fellow believers in life – Heb 6:10
•       Compassion to those who cannot repay– Luke 14:12-14
•       Advancing the Gospel – I Thess 2:19, Matt 10:40ff
•       Humble servanthood – Matt 20:26-28
•       Sacrificial giving to cause of Christ – Luke 21:1-3; II Cor. 8,9
•       Bearing insult/exclusion for the name of Christ – Luke 6:22,23
•       Anything done for the glory of God – I Cor 10:31

Crowns given:

•       Victor’s crown (I Cor 9:24,25)
•       Soul winner’s crown (I Thess 2:19)
•       Shepherd’s crown (I Peter 5:4)
•       Watcher’s crown (II Tim 4:8)
•       Sufferer’s crown (Rev. 2:10)